HTC Unveils its HTC One Mini 2 Smartphone: No More Ultrapixels

The new Android Smartphone “HTC One Mini 2” has created enough buzz in the market and is now finally available for the sale.

After a series of leaks and rumors, HTC has officially announced its new flagship Smartphone ‘HTC One Mini 2’ – the compact variant of the HTC one M8. HTC is undoubtedly hoping its new flagship Smartphone can put together a better showing than what we saw last year. This new Android handset features a dual LED flash, 13 MP rear facing camera, 5MP front facing camera, 1GB RAM, Android KitKat 4.4 operating system, 16 GB internal memory, and a MicroSD card slot.

Almost everyone is familiar with the fact that the major part of the current Smartphone marketplace is dominated by Samsung, Apple, and Nokia. But, it’s quite good to see that HTC has not let its hopes go down. If you are planning to buy a new Smartphone, then the HTC One Mini 2 may be the one meant for you. We’ve got all the nitty-gritty on HTC One Mini 2, so keep on reading for a rundown on the specs, design, color, camera, display and more.



Visually, there are no big surprises. The HTC One Mini 2 has a 4.5 inch screen, and its looks are pretty much copied from its big brother “HTC One M8”. This mobile phone is expected to hit the market in a wide range of colors such as Gunmetal Gray, Glacial Silver, and Amber Gold.



If we talk of buying a new Android phone, the camera is a major factor we consider on a new mobile phone. This time, the front facing snapper is definitely an improvement, as it’s been shifted from 1.6MP to 5MP, making it a perfect fit for our selfie obsessed culture.

Battery & Storage


The HTC One Mini 2 comes with the latest version of the Android OS. It’s sleek, smooth, intuitive design looks good. Plus, it gives BlinkFeed, so the user can get all their news and updates in one place. From storage, you get 16GB of built-in memory plus a MicroSD card slot so you can boost that by up to 128GB.


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0 thoughts on “HTC Unveils its HTC One Mini 2 Smartphone: No More Ultrapixels”

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